So. It's been a while. I hope y'all are doing well!
Lots of stuff has happened; I do believe I haven't touched this blog since high school, if you can believe that. I figured that since I'm now entering my final year of undergrad, it's about time I start recording my life (and reading!) experiences again.
Update on the books I've been reading:
I've... sort of... grown out of the YA genre... yeah.
I'm really into Romance, New Adult, and Fantasy now. Y'know. It's pretty good.
But the main reason I'm making this blog post is because of something really big happening in my life: I'm going to Kenya!
We're visiting Mully Children's Family orphanage and providing medical, dental, and optical services to the children and the surrounding village. It's going to be a fantastic experience, and I am so nervously excited.
So... yeah. I'll keep you updated with my experiences, as well as any good books I read. (I mean, it'll be a 20-hour flight at least, so yeah. Reading will be done.)
That's it for now!
- sm:)e